Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Back in Kentucky

So, after returning from Thailand and spending a couple of days down in Kentucky, I returned home for a brief visit with family and especially to see my sister who had been in an accident. Though she was fine, it was nice to see her and help her out a little. The good news was she started walking for the first time and decided to come down with me to Kentucky for a week. It was great having her on the drive, and for a visit. She stayed with me here at the hostel where I'm now staying and we had great time hanging out, taking some walks and introducing her to the people down here.
Now, she has sadly gone home and I return to climbing and living down here where I'll be for the next couples of months at least.
So, I have been so busy that I only today was able to post my pics from Thailand. There are a lot after many requests for more, so enjoy.


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