Monday, January 08, 2007


I have made it!

After an exciting border cross and 36 hours drive, we arrived two nights ago. Crossing the border was epic. Not the crossing part. We just drove through but then couldn't find where to go to actually get the visa. You'd think that it would be marked, but alas, it was not so well. Anyway, after asking multiple people directions and driving down a couple of one way streets, the wrong way, we made it to the "border crossing", paid a ton of money and finally were on our way to Monterrey. After one last checkpoint, and getting lost in Monterrey, we finally drove into the campground at 11 p.m. local time.
Upon arriving, we pitched tents and I ran into some people from Boston I recognized from the Red. Had a beer with them and hung out. The next morning, ran into a bunch of people from the Red. Everyone is really nice, friendly, tons of Quebequers here, it almost feels like home.
Climbing today for the first day was great. It was so much fun, though harder and sharper than I expected. Despite many warnings about rock falls, it seems pretty safe here as long as you take precautions and yes, I'm wearing my helmet. The pitches were long and it felt great to be climbing again. The approach is easy, but I feel well worked and excited for some more tomorrow.
The area is beautiful, mountainous and so much climbing in such a small space. The views from the crag are spectacular and we haven't even done any multupitch. Pictures to follow soon.
Haven't really made it into town much, but tomorrow is market day, which should be fun.
More impressions to follow.


Blogger CarolAA said...

How freakin' exciting, you're in Mexico! Whooooooooooohoooooooooo! What's the weather like? Warm? Hot? What's the vegetation like at the crag and on your campground? I've never been to Monterrey. Please post pics soon and drink some good tequila reposada for me, k?

9:11 AM  

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