Monday, January 15, 2007

El Potrero Chico, Hidalgo

A week and a half it has been in the beautiful El Potrero Chico. The first couple of days were slow, climbing was hard to get used to for those used to overhanging jugs. The vibe was a little difficult which led to some long days and early to bed nights. But, its absolutely beautiful here with cliffs everywhere and sunny days for the first week.
Market days are Tuesdays and Fridays, so we walk into town (about 3o minutes) and shop for fresh fruit and vegetables. We certainly eat well here. My friend and I also spend the day in Monterrey, which is very industrial and big, with lots of traffic. We wandered around a lot, getting lost on some side streets and went for supper at a local fish restaurant (oops) that served tacos and burritos, etc. and but with fish in everything. It was a challenge, but we tried some things, drank some beers and met some locals. Then, got lost coming home from the airport. It seems to be a common thing in Mexico, getting lost that is. But, it was a fun day and we felt that we were in Mexico, unlike the feeling we have at the americanized campground that lacks a bit of soul.
Friday brought the arrival of Jess and Shant, two friends from Montreal also on a road trip, and Saturday the arrival of Adam. With the new blood brought some good energy and yesterday's climbing day was my best yet. I led everything, something I had been having trouble doing, and did some of my toughest climbs. It was sunny and warm and a great day. We've spent the evenings catching up on lost time, drinking wine or tequilla, or sometimes both, and eating really well.
Today there is rain, cold and fog, so a day inside, playing Settlers of Catan and resting is on the agenda.


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