Friday, November 10, 2006

And other news...

The biggest news this week is my new purchase of a laptop. Though I had considered buying one before I left Montreal and decided against it, I came across a really good deal and couldn't resist. It will certainly help with communication and photo sharing, I'm already having a great time as I write this sitting comfortably in a couch, at the hostel.

Climbing is still going well, though I feel more tired these last couple of days. I think a couple of rest days are in order.

I have started working on my first 12A, Check Your Grip at DriveBy Wall. Though I'm not sure I can send it before I leave, I have managed to do all the moves on lead. It's a great route, and fun to project something like that. Maybe something to be completed in the spring.

The last couple of days have been beautiful, sunny, and hot, 15 degrees, almost too hot to climb. Yesterday morning my friend Eric and I set out early to Drive By in hopes of beating the heat. Feeling really psyched and motivated to climb, both with projects to work on, we started our warm ups. However, a combination of factors led to a bad day and we left our projects behind and headed off to do a multi-pitch gear route in a valley we had yet to visit. Well, one wrong turn later we were hiking along a ridge, knowing we were going along the wrong path but hoping that we would rejoin the right path. Eventually, we ended up scaling down the side of a hill back into the valley and as it got dark, gave up on our goal. Hiking through brush and rivers, we finally made it back to the car and sat looking at the stars and enjoying the peace. We didn't see a single person the entire time and enjoyed the adventure.

Still working two jobs, but not as many hours this weekend, which is a welcomed break.
I also learnt how to shoot a gun. Though I've had many discussions with Ameican's about gun laws, etc, I almost felt like a hypocrite going out, but I couldn't give up the opportunity to try. I shot a 22 and a 38 and it was kind of fun. I maintain my position about guns, but it was an interesting experience.

Check out this website:


Blogger CarolAA said...

Uhhh... girl please explain the link to that frightening web site I just briefly surfed before relexively clicking the red X at the top right of the browser window.

PS: Shooting guns, hmmm? I'd love to hear how/why that came about.

7:51 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

The link was supposed to be funny, silly humour. As for the guns, well, I'll pretty much try anything once, so i did.

2:05 PM  
Blogger CarolAA said...

Funny girl you are! And hey I saw your new photos. WOW!

1:30 AM  

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