Broke in Kentucky

So, we did make it here to Kentucky, but, about 45 minutes away from our destination, after 4 days of crossing the country, we hit a snag. Well, Jake hit a median, and this happened (see picture). This being a broken strut bar. Though it appeared to be an easy fix, we spent 2 days trying to find the part, no one could order it, not even the normal westy sites, and we couldn't find a junkyard with it either. Finally, thanks to The Samba, a generous man offered to send us the part, we paid the shipping only. Generous and kind. Except, now, we can't get the old part off. No joke, many hours of pulling, warming, pulling, and the bolt will not move. We need pneumatic tools, or a competition. It's a big weekend in Kentucky. Miguels Pizza (where i lived for a fall and where all climbers in the red congregate) is having their 25th Anniversary party and with all the people, we've started a contest to see who can get it off. The prize is a case of beer. So, minds are working, muscles are flexing and we're keeping our fingers crossed.
So, current status is - bad steering, no power steering either (still haven't found that tool) and a cracked windshield. Those are the major issues. Christmas time will be a busy Toby repair time, if only we can get her back on the road with this part.
Otherwise, we made it across the country with limited issues. A stop in the Ozarks and bouldering at Area 74, a couple of scary redneck experiences, some beautiful forest (after desert for 2 months, it was a welcomed change) and we made it back to Kentucky.
And did I mention it's freezing here. Literally. It didn't go above freezing all day today. It snowed last night and it hasn't melted. Even some of the most hardcore climbers aren't climbing. We're all huddled in Miguels, in and out to take care of dogs. Made it out climbing yesterday with hot hands and a lot of freezing appendeges. Hiking today, less cold on the hands. Hopefully, tomorrow will have some sun (high of +2) and we can get out to some rock.
Ah, Kentucky. Being on the roads have it's ups and downs.